Packages that use Layout | |
edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout | Algorithms for assigning 2D coordinates (typically used for graph visualizations) to vertices. |
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization | Frameworks and mechanisms for visualizing JUNG graphs using Swing/AWT. |
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.jai | |
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.layout | Visualization mechanisms related to graph layout: caching, persistence, event-emitting, etc. |
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.picking | Visualization mechanisms for supporting the selection of graph elements. |
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.renderers | Visualization mechanisms relating to rendering. |
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.subLayout | Visualization mechanisms relating to grouping or hiding specified element sets. |
Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout |
Classes in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout that implement Layout | |
class |
Abstract class for implementations of Layout . |
class |
A Layout implementation that combines
multiple other layouts so that they may be manipulated
as one layout. |
class |
A Layout implementation that assigns positions to Tree or
Forest vertices using associations with nested circles ("balloons"). |
class |
A Layout implementation that positions vertices equally spaced on a regular circle. |
class |
An implementation of Layout suitable for tree-like directed
acyclic graphs. |
class |
Implements the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm for node layout. |
class |
Implements the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm for node layout. |
class |
Implements a self-organizing map layout algorithm, based on Meyer's self-organizing graph methods. |
class |
Implements the Kamada-Kawai algorithm for node layout. |
class |
a pure decorator for the Layout interface. |
class |
A radial layout for Tree or Forest graphs. |
class |
The SpringLayout package represents a visualization of a set of nodes. |
class |
The SpringLayout package represents a visualization of a set of nodes. |
class |
StaticLayout places the vertices in the locations specified by its Transformer |
class |
Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout declared as Layout | |
protected Layout<V,E> |
protected Layout<V,E> |
Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout with type parameters of type Layout | |
protected Map<Layout<V,E>,Point2D> |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout that return Layout | |
Layout<V,E> |
Layout<V,E> |
Returns the backing (delegate) layout. |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout that return types with arguments of type Layout | |
Map<Layout<V,E>,Point2D> |
Returns a map from each Layout instance to its center point. |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout with parameters of type Layout | |
Point2D |
AggregateLayout.get(Layout<V,E> layout)
Returns the center of the passed layout. |
E |
GraphElementAccessor.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Returns an edge which is associated with the location (x,y) . |
E |
RadiusGraphElementAccessor.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Gets the edge nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected. |
E |
RadiusGraphElementAccessor.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y,
double maxDistance)
Gets the edge nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected, within a distance of maxDistance, Iterates through all visible edges and checks their distance from the click. |
V |
GraphElementAccessor.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Returns a vertex which is associated with the location (x,y) . |
V |
RadiusGraphElementAccessor.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Gets the vertex nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected, within a distance of maxDistance. |
V |
RadiusGraphElementAccessor.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y,
double maxDistance)
Gets the vertex nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected, within a distance of maxDistance. |
Collection<V> |
GraphElementAccessor.getVertices(Layout<V,E> layout,
Shape rectangle)
Returns the vertices contained within rectangle relative
to layout . |
Collection<V> |
RadiusGraphElementAccessor.getVertices(Layout<V,E> layout,
Shape rectangle)
void |
AggregateLayout.put(Layout<V,E> layout,
Point2D center)
adds the passed layout as a sublayout, also specifying the center of where this sublayout should appear |
void |
AggregateLayout.remove(Layout<V,E> layout)
Removes layout from this instance. |
void |
AggregateLayout.setDelegate(Layout<V,E> delegate)
void |
LayoutDecorator.setDelegate(Layout<V,E> delegate)
Sets the backing (delegate) layout. |
Constructors in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout with parameters of type Layout | |
AggregateLayout(Layout<V,E> delegate)
Creates an instance backed by the specified delegate . |
LayoutDecorator(Layout<V,E> delegate)
Creates an instance backed by the specified delegate layout. |
Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization |
Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization declared as Layout | |
protected Layout<V,E> |
the layout algorithm currently in use |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization that return Layout | |
Layout<V,E> |
Layout<V,E> |
Returns the current graph layout. |
Layout<V,E> |
Returns the current graph layout. |
Layout<V,E> |
Returns the current graph layout. |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization with parameters of type Layout | |
void |
BasicVisualizationServer.setGraphLayout(Layout<V,E> layout)
void |
DefaultVisualizationModel.setGraphLayout(Layout<V,E> layout)
set the graph Layout and if it is not already initialized, initialize it to the default VisualizationViewer preferred size of 600x600 |
void |
VisualizationModel.setGraphLayout(Layout<V,E> layout)
set the graph Layout |
void |
VisualizationServer.setGraphLayout(Layout<V,E> layout)
Removes the current graph layout, and adds a new one. |
void |
DefaultVisualizationModel.setGraphLayout(Layout<V,E> layout,
Dimension viewSize)
Removes the current graph layout, and adds a new one. |
void |
VisualizationModel.setGraphLayout(Layout<V,E> layout,
Dimension d)
Sets the graph Layout and initialize the Layout size to the passed dimensions. |
Constructors in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization with parameters of type Layout | |
BasicVisualizationServer(Layout<V,E> layout)
Create an instance with passed parameters. |
BasicVisualizationServer(Layout<V,E> layout,
Dimension preferredSize)
Create an instance with passed parameters. |
DefaultVisualizationModel(Layout<V,E> layout)
DefaultVisualizationModel(Layout<V,E> layout,
Dimension d)
VisualizationImageServer(Layout<V,E> layout,
Dimension preferredSize)
Creates a new instance the specified layout and preferred size. |
VisualizationViewer(Layout<V,E> layout)
Create an instance with passed parameters. |
VisualizationViewer(Layout<V,E> layout,
Dimension preferredSize)
Create an instance with passed parameters. |
Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.jai |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.jai with parameters of type Layout | |
void |
TransformingImageVertexIconRenderer.paintIconForVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
V v,
Layout<V,E> layout)
Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.layout |
Subinterfaces of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.layout | |
interface |
interface for PersistentLayout Also holds a nested class Point to serialize the Vertex locations |
Classes in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.layout that implement Layout | |
class |
A LayoutDecorator that caches locations in a clearable Map. |
class |
A LayoutDecorator that fires ChangeEvents when certain methods are called. |
class |
Implementation of PersistentLayout. |
Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.layout declared as Layout | |
protected Layout<V,E> |
protected Layout<V,E> |
protected Layout<V,E> |
protected Layout<V,E> |
protected Layout<V,E> |
Constructors in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.layout with parameters of type Layout | |
BoundingRectangleCollector(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout)
BoundingRectanglePaintable(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout)
CachingLayout(Layout<V,E> delegate)
LayoutTransition(VisualizationViewer<V,E> vv,
Layout<V,E> startLayout,
Layout<V,E> endLayout)
LayoutTransition(VisualizationViewer<V,E> vv,
Layout<V,E> startLayout,
Layout<V,E> endLayout)
ObservableCachingLayout(Layout<V,E> delegate)
PersistentLayoutImpl(Layout<V,E> layout)
create an instance with a passed layout create containers for graph components |
Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.picking |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.picking with parameters of type Layout | |
E |
ClosestShapePickSupport.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
E |
LayoutLensShapePickSupport.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
return an edge whose shape intersects the 'pickArea' footprint of the passed x,y, coordinates. |
E |
RadiusPickSupport.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Gets the edge nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected. |
E |
ShapePickSupport.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Returns an edge whose shape intersects the 'pickArea' footprint of the passed x,y, coordinates. |
E |
ViewLensShapePickSupport.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
return an edge whose shape intersects the 'pickArea' footprint of the passed x,y, coordinates. |
E |
RadiusPickSupport.getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y,
double maxDistance)
Gets the edge nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected, within a distance of maxDistance, Iterates through all visible edges and checks their distance from the click. |
protected Collection<E> |
ShapePickSupport.getFilteredEdges(Layout<V,E> layout)
protected Collection<V> |
ShapePickSupport.getFilteredVertices(Layout<V,E> layout)
V |
ClosestShapePickSupport.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
V |
LayoutLensShapePickSupport.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Iterates over Vertices, checking to see if x,y is contained in the Vertex's Shape. |
V |
RadiusPickSupport.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Gets the vertex nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected, within a distance of maxDistance. |
V |
ShapePickSupport.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Iterates over Vertices, checking to see if x,y is contained in the Vertex's Shape. |
V |
ViewLensShapePickSupport.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y)
Iterates over Vertices, checking to see if x,y is contained in the Vertex's Shape. |
V |
RadiusPickSupport.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
double x,
double y,
double maxDistance)
Gets the vertex nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected, within a distance of maxDistance. |
Collection<V> |
ClosestShapePickSupport.getVertices(Layout<V,E> layout,
Shape rectangle)
Collection<V> |
LayoutLensShapePickSupport.getVertices(Layout<V,E> layout,
Shape rectangle)
returns the vertices that are contained in the passed shape. |
Collection<V> |
ShapePickSupport.getVertices(Layout<V,E> layout,
Shape shape)
Returns the vertices whose layout coordinates are contained in Shape . |
Collection<V> |
ViewLensShapePickSupport.getVertices(Layout<V,E> layout,
Shape rectangle)
returns the vertices that are contained in the passed shape. |
Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.renderers |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.renderers with parameters of type Layout | |
protected void |
BasicEdgeRenderer.drawSimpleEdge(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e)
Draws the edge e , whose endpoints are at (x1,y1)
and (x2,y2) , on the graphics context g . |
protected void |
ReshapingEdgeRenderer.drawSimpleEdge(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e)
Draws the edge e , whose endpoints are at (x1,y1)
and (x2,y2) , on the graphics context g . |
void |
BasicEdgeLabelRenderer.labelEdge(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e,
String label)
void |
Renderer.EdgeLabel.labelEdge(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e,
String label)
void |
Renderer.EdgeLabel.NOOP.labelEdge(RenderContext rc,
Layout layout,
Object e,
String label)
void |
BasicVertexLabelRenderer.labelVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v,
String label)
Labels the specified vertex with the specified label. |
void |
Renderer.VertexLabel.labelVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v,
String label)
void |
VertexLabelAsShapeRenderer.labelVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v,
String label)
Labels the specified vertex with the specified label. |
void |
Renderer.VertexLabel.NOOP.labelVertex(RenderContext rc,
Layout layout,
Object v,
String label)
void |
BasicEdgeRenderer.paintEdge(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e)
void |
Renderer.Edge.paintEdge(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e)
void |
Renderer.Edge.NOOP.paintEdge(RenderContext rc,
Layout layout,
Object e)
protected void |
BasicVertexRenderer.paintIconForVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
V v,
Layout<V,E> layout)
Paint v 's icon on g at (x,y) . |
void |
BasicVertexRenderer.paintVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v)
void |
GradientVertexRenderer.paintVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v)
void |
Renderer.Vertex.paintVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v)
void |
Renderer.Vertex.NOOP.paintVertex(RenderContext rc,
Layout layout,
Object v)
void |
BasicRenderer.render(RenderContext<V,E> renderContext,
Layout<V,E> layout)
void |
Renderer.render(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout)
void |
BasicRenderer.renderEdge(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e)
void |
Renderer.renderEdge(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e)
void |
BasicRenderer.renderEdgeLabel(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e)
void |
Renderer.renderEdgeLabel(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
E e)
void |
BasicRenderer.renderVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v)
void |
Renderer.renderVertex(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v)
void |
BasicRenderer.renderVertexLabel(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v)
void |
Renderer.renderVertexLabel(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
Layout<V,E> layout,
V v)
Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.subLayout |
Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.subLayout with parameters of type Layout | |
void |
TreeCollapser.collapse(Layout layout,
Forest tree,
Object subRoot)